
I have some questions about trains that I wanted to find out about!

Do you know about rails?  Fish belly rails were designed with cast iron for extra strength, but they failed.  The rail is a nice type, but it is not a good rail.    Britain type rails were used a long time starting in 1850.  At one point, they were worldwide, but they are not used anymore.

Mail trains are trains that have metal sticking out with netting.  When the train comes, it catches the mail on poles.

Another kind of train is the Rocket.  It was fast but deadly.

It is so hard to know all the parts of the train.

Funky Machine

You turn on my machine.  It does a whole bunch of things to clean up.  The water tank sends water to the bot, which goes down to clean.  It has two arms, a wrench, and a welder.  It even has a mousetrap and a wood cutter!  For the wood cutter, the wood slides down, and it chops it.


Pet Store

So many people are boasting about the pet store.  Dogs, birds, and so many CATS are roaming around.  Animal lovers far and near come to this place.  It’s really cheap to let a cat, dog, or bird in and give so much care to these animals.

S.P.E.L.L. y.o.u.r. E.K.K.!


Nouns, nouns, the wonderful words.

The more you spell the more you do.

You move, you fly,

That’s why you will never die.


Oh, nouns are good to you.

Oh, nouns are bad.

Oh, will you write the nouns.


Will the bad boy write the nouns?

Oh, will the good boy not write the nouns?

People, places, or things are so good.

The tell you about your things.
