The Great Adventure

Mr. Desmarais talked about trees.  He said that the red color is in the leaves, but it is hidden under the green.  Green leaves absorb more light than black.  He gave us a tree cookie and a tack.  The tack was for counting the rings.  My slice was in the forties of rings.

There were for lunch squirrel, chicken, squash, corn cakes, and lots of food.

I like the fox because they’re great hunters.  I like its soft fur and its poofing tail.

The water!  The great, cool water!  I learned that it is a home for the invertebrates and the vertebrates, like frogs, bugs, and snakes.

The hike was a nice walk in the open.  I went in a basement in the forest.  There were bottles in it, and bricks.

So much to do in so little time!  Hot cocoa was so good!  Yum!  Yum!  Yummy!  I can’t go without it!  Great day!




At the arena, Pacman came into town.  All other games were not played with anymore except Red, White, and Blue.  It was the invisible man, and he played a few pranks.  Cooking Game was the first who came back.  Then all the others came!  The arena was back in business.

Mud Season

Mud Season


Mud is very squishy

And black

And brown.

It can have sticks in it.

Mud is water and ground glue.

People step in it.

I don’t like being muddy,

And I wish for spring and summer to come.

When I see the blobby mud,

My brain sees the green, fuzzy tree leaves.




Find a Dinosaur

Did you know that the T Rex ate a lot of other dinosaurs?  I read two dinosaur books.  They were Magic School Bus and What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?  These books I read were fantastic for me!


In Magic School Bus there were small dinosaurs running and making dust to hide their eggs so the bigger dinosaurs couldn’t see.  There are still fossils now of the dinosaurs, and people dig them up to learn more about them.  There were tools like a pickax and a shovel that they use to dig up the bones.  They use a soft thing like concrete to pour into the hole and make a mold of what they found.  I found out that different dinosaurs live in different places around the world.  Some can fly.  Some can swim.  There were sea monsters that are actually dinosaurs.

In What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs? I discovered that the Flood pushed away all of the dinosaurs except for two of each on Noah’s ark.  The dinosaurs were created by God during Creation.  In the pictures there were fossils and pictures of what we think the dinosaurs might have looked like.

The Magic School Bus and What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs? Are the same because they both have dinosaurs, and in both of them the ones that eat eggs are mean.  The T Rex dinosaurs in both books are fierce.  Flying dinosaurs were also in both of the books.  Both had jungle scenery that showed the kind of habitat they liked, and they both showed footprints of the dinosaurs that have been discovered.

If I could see a real live dinosaur now, I wouldn’t get too close!


How to Make a Book

First you need paper, makers, a pencil, a pair of scissors, and a ruler. Get the paper and measure it about 4 inches more or less if you want measure it with a ruler. Then cut the paper. Then tape or glue the pages together. Write a title for your book, like The Train Kitty. Making a book is very fun! And that is how I make a book!


My Ice Cube Keeper

I made my ice cube keeper out of foam, fabric, paper, and a cup.  I predict that my keeper will protect the ice cube for 360 minutes.  First, I put foam across the top of a large red cup.  I covered the top of the foam with fabric scraps and string, and I taped everything.  I put the ice in the cup at 10:00.

Time Size in mm
10:00 45mm
11:00 35mm
12:00 2mm
1:00 0mm
2:00 0mm
3:00 0mm

After looking, I think that my prediction is now 120 minutes.  Gone!

If I were going to make another ice cube keeper, I would wish I didn’t have to open it to check on the ice cube and let the heat in.  Maybe a see-through cup to protect it so I could still measure it.